Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nothing much on a saturday evening... Nostalgy......

Am feeling really excited.. after a long time, i have got some 2 hours of  so called Leisure.
Oh my god, it is exciting. wat do i do now? very funny right?
Nothing great on television, have not got any books recently,(it has been ages since i have visited a book shop and got a novel). found no time to read as i would when i was a spinster.
no mood to re read too. my son is sleeping, kamal has a bachelor's party :p( he he, he has gone to meet his friends). now the flashback.. how nice it was while i was a spinster, endless shopping(you can prefix it with window at times) at commercial street, those lovely times spent roaming in 4th block BDA Complex, munching pani puri, popcorn, kulfi etc etc...
Then hunting for some book title heard somewhere. when will i do all that again. May be after i retire, settle all my responsibilities. haaa waiting. it was fun. self cooking in the hostel during sundays and making one big fuss for the meal that mess person used to offer. Now at home, i am responsible to settle every one's hunger. the above sentence is not a sigh... just a kind of nostalgy i would say.
My daily routine used to be so planned and well organised, had abundant time to take care of myself, pedicure, manicure,facial.. now i call them all as Luxury of time.
work out,,,,,, i miss it more than words could say.
window seat on a city bus.. hey hoo.. i have felt like winning a million rupee raffle all the time.
brisk walks on the park in early mornings, ananda vikatan????? dont ask me, i used to go every saturday to 4th block just to buy it. (Very few shops sells tamil magazines here.) Long dinners at Chungs and
few slow sweet nothing filled walks with kamal before wedding..
i miss them all totally, we keep laughing at ourselves these days, when we go to restaurants, I have to hog food while he runs behind harshu and then swap over.. Harshu when he grows up and reads this, he may think, oh Mom had missed all this while she was busy bringing me up.. I am sure he will understand me feeling, you and dad are more adorable than anything else darling....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For Me and By Me...

Long way to Go...with a smile....

When I wake up from the cozy couch,

snoozing the crazy alarm

mighty deeds awaiting my touch,

umpty plans on my mind to form

wished thee a Good morning.

The whir of blender and hussy Cooker

ting a ling of dishes on the kitchen ground,

Hurry Burry and Hushy Bushy

me rattling and fleeting round and round

speedy snappy nippy tasty cooking all done.

Pick the Baby from the Crib,

oh thats endless fun to see the little plum

quench his thirst and hunger.

Drench him on love and hug shower.

We both wave bye to daddy for Work.

Now comes my turn,

For all the lovely roles i play,

Just get me going is what i pray

Busy bee have no time for thyself,

but thats the bliss i would never miss.

Always an extra mile to go before i sleep...

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Poem for Harshu

ten little fingers and toes...
toothless smiles and crazy tears..
oohs aahs and cranky gestures...
thats my little sweetie pie..

the twinkling bright star..
the brightlit moon..
the dawn and the sunshine..
thats my yummy sugar bun....

full bloom of flowers..
rabble of butterflies...
lovely dazzling rainbow...
thats my sparkling diamond..

feathery touch as smooth as silk..
oh my god.. he weeps for milk...
no no baby.. mommy is here
thats my cute teddy bear...

blazing lock of hair..
glazing keen eyes...
chubby velvet cheeks..
dreamy smiles..
just take my breathe away..

delicate bundle of joy...
tender wonder...
reason of my life..
thats what you are
my lovely Harshu..